Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Nipple Peircing On A Man

herb salt - the same procedure ...

... as last year?

The same procedure as every year ...

outsourced packaged so pretty, 2009, the herb salt in the fridge - every time you open the door I enjoyed the sight - and this year I was cut back hard in the herbs, Wash chopping, salting, ...

this year's crop

after drying in the oven

in the flour mill

and then milled.

stock for me ...

packed as early as 2008:

and 2009:

including 2010:

the same procedure - just!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tatiana I Dawid Janas

the winter will be colorful

children's winter Christmas hats

in various sizes and colors

with patch for dino research, dragon hunters and their assistants

color matching Buffie:
colorful tube scarves for children necks

is so colorful this year are the winter.

And for the grown

there are the cuddly Loops

long scarves, wrapped twice around his neck ...


a nice guide for a very similar way, it caps at Caro

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Does Maxillary Sinus Does Brain Mri Show

Merry Christmas

Is there a Santa Claus?
(Source: SWR1 2009)

1897 wrote the eight year old Virginia O'Hanlon a letter with this important issue for them as the
New York Sun .
course, they believed in Santa Claus, he had never disappointed her: "When they said less fortunate little boys and girls, there were no Santa Claus, doubts were growing within me. I asked my father, and he was evasive on this topic. It was customary in our family, with uncertainty about the pronunciation of a word or doubts about the historical facts, question and write Antwort'-column of the Sun. Father always said, 'If it's in the Sun, it is also true' - and that ended any dispute. I'm just going to write to the Sun and find out the real truth, 'I said to my father. He said, 'Kick off, Virginia. I'm sure the Sun is Give you the right answer, as it always does' "(Virginia O'Hanlon, 36 years after the first publication of her letter).

Virginia's letter was forwarded to the editor Francis Church, son of a Baptist pastor and for 20 years editor of the Sun . With particularly sensitive issues, he was a comment writers familiar and so he was truthful to the letter of the eight years of Virginia and "free answer of hypocrisy. "He wrote one of the most remarkable comments the newspaper story.

1949 set the New York Sun . Until that time, Virginia's letter and Francis were read Church's response from 1897 every year at Christmas time on the front page of the newspaper:

"I am 8 years old to say some of my friends say there is no Santa Claus Papa says what it says in the Sun is always true Please tell me. Is there ? A Santa Claus "

The matter was the chief editor Francis Church so important that he said himself - on the front page of the Sun :

" Virginia, your little friends can not be right. They believe that it can not give what they can not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds is small, whether he is an adult or a child. In space, it disappears like a tiny insect. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion. Because it all is, can our life be beautiful and serene. How dreary would be the world if there is no Santa Claus would be! It then would be no Virginia, no faith, no poetry - nothing that made life bearable. Enjoyment, except in sense and sight would be left. The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. There is a Santa Claus, otherwise you could not even believe in fairies. Certainly, you might get your papa to hire people on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus. And none of them in Santa Claus would get to face - what would that prove? No man sees him like that. This proves nothing. The most important things remain mostly invisible. The elves, for example, when they dance on the lawn. Nevertheless, they exist. to imagine all the wonders - let alone to see them - which can not be the smartest in the world. What you see also, you never see everything. You can leave a kaleidoscope of color and look for the most beautiful figures. You will find some colorful pieces, nothing more. Why? Because there is a veil covering the unseen world, a veil, not even the violence could tear apart the world. Only faith, poetry and love it can ventilate. Then the beauty and glory will be seen behind it. "Is it true?" You can ask. Virginia, there is nothing in the world nothing else real and abiding. Santa Claus lives, and he will live forever. Even ten times ten thousand Years he will be there to meet children like you and every heart of childhood.
Merry Christmas, Virginia. Your Francis Church. "

Francis Church's response was an absolute sensation, and became the most famous ever written any comments.


opens with this contribution to the last door of Ellen's Creative Advent Calendar 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Best Wedding Card Matter In Hindi

21st December - early winter

winter night

Snowy is around the world,
I've left nothing that I have great pleasure
is the tree in the field,
has long been verstreuet its foliage.

The wind is only in the quiet night
and shakes the tree, as he stirred his

tops gently and talking like a dream.

künft'ger He dreams of springtime,
Of green and source noise
Where he in the new flower dress
to the glory of God will rush
Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857)

Königswinter a gift to a dear friend
for my birthday earlier this year.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Skirt With No Underwear

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cuilinart Rocket Chef


addition to the Stubai Mountain King on Saturday even social events are on the program, primarily the popular Oktoberfest / mountain bikers in Wattens and evening Tyrolean Cycling Party at Jimmy's. Would appreciate that one or others to meet there. Cu!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pİctures Vajİna

makes this blog break

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Best Email Reply To Interview

Inzing Stiglreith - Tiroler Championship

The Ötztal is still in the legs, still unavailable on Saturday already, the next highlight on the program. The Tyrolean mountain championship for all classes except Elite/U23, which of course was already known to be held in the Kitzbühel Horn race. For me, this race as a home race course, always a challenge. In addition to the above tender are available on more information. Already

on Friday is in Styria, the OEM mountain above the stage, actually also a must! Even to this race all the information on

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Christmas Card Wording Samples

OEM MTB Hill Climb on the Hahnenkamm

With a tip on these 3 men could have been earning very little. The favorites keep to themselves, with HPO as usual in the middle. Links Lidický (OEM silver), right stone cellar (OEM Bronze) (c) Organiser
By in these latitudes, very popular Kühtai Bergkaiser and the fact that on paper regarding OEM title for the relevant candidates Traxler, Obeng, etc. in light of the power of an HPO is little to get entered, today's OEM on the Hahnenkamm almost a bit in the background. Nevertheless, of course, like every year a big (sport class) starting grid, though the license categories were occupied rather sparse.

Bettina Schmid at the top of the podium, but OEM titles and secures champion jersey - for lack of license of the days fastest - Patriza Wacker (left) from s'Radhaus. Level 3 and OEM silver goes to HPO teammate Lisa Pleyer (right). were (c) Organiser

It then screened for the Cup too little surprising, HPO drove home his umpteenth title, before Lidický and stone cellar that still quickly dissolved in July and August, a mountain bike license and could now pick up bronze and silver. 1:49 min HPO was at the end before Lidický, Lidický it had won on the Hahnenkamm in the last year! But HPO lights in the championship has always extra turbo, last year's was the same. In the women took to the track, the nimble Patricia, also drove the fastest time when Bettina Schmid. But without license no title, too bad destined for the kitchen, lady, the red-white-red also been good. Maybe next year!

great performances in the various sports categories, even if no one at the time of License fastest men came.

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Kühtai Bergkaiser 2010

Photo: Felix Spensberger (front) went again a very active race at the end, however, had Roman Gredler (right) of the cycling team in the lead Tirol (c)
The weather was all week, the biggest uncertainty of who likes riding in the rain in the Kühtai? But organizer Frank Rieth had once again rented the weather and luck before the start of the radiant blue sky out of the Sellraintal. Despite the well held today OEM MTB Hill Climb was a top-class freeriders to Innsbruck, the only two South Tyrolean mountain specialist Alexander Zelger and Michi Tumler stayed away unfortunately.

Event Moderator Bernhard Hochreiter provides a great atmosphere at the farm site before it went off at half past 11 then. As usual, neutralises up to Kematen, in a comfortable pace, not constantly on the brakes as last year, the advance vehicle is so learned, bravo! Just after the turnoff Axams / Sellraintal the pace was increased, of course it was the Salzburg Paul Lindner, the same time neatly pressed the tube. It quickly became a he-driven series, I had to take note of surprise that this race is always run as if Sell Rain in the target. Sometimes I had 190 pulse and I feared that I would join this game is not long. So I had unfortunately already as last year (but then I jumped down the chain) is already tearing at the ramp to Sell Rain can. There was not much, but I was already at its limit. After the summit apparently accelerated was held up because I saw other drivers tear front, eg Kluge and work. I did try to close the gap, first alone, then with the help of Mark Hechenblaikner, but it did not work. Well bravo, from Sellrain alone in the wind, which can be so cheerful. Then came Chris Ragg from behind, but unfortunately I was his pace on the rise too high and I was alone again. When Richard Obeng I've tried do not even ride. When I was in a steep section Fritz Martin outdated and even have room to talk, I had a moral short trailer. Thank God we had above for the no-wind tunnel, but I got to the front of me and Luis Sauer's group Kluge no longer reach. In the end I went with 1:33:33 minutes to finish with about 45s to Kluge, Erich and about 1:50 to about 5 minutes to the winner. 'm Not dissatisfied, but I would have expected a bit more. Including the anticipation of the Ötztal is a little clouded. Once wanted to be in top form at the start but obviously I am a bit away.

What is happening at the front, I know as a comprehensible only hearsay. The red train around Spensberger Quest, Ortner and Hofmann had come to impose his stamp on the race, but Roman Gredler cycling team from Tyrol has them duly spat in the soup. Philipp Goetsch I had not expected so far forward thought his form would be after his outstanding season so far on the decline. The young Felix Spensberger, my personal favorite to win, drove to 3rd place, where you have to say that he played for the first time this race and so did not know exactly where the target was. Certainly no advantage in the long Schmierer to the finish. Ranked 4, a familiar face, at least for Ötztal marathon participants. Bert Dekker from Holland, not related with the same professional cyclist Erik and Thomas Dekker, driving for years and wants to win the Ötztal last year. Difficult task, lacking the suspended Negrini, but his ex-teammate Corradini is carved from the same cloth. Ranked 5 Andreas Traxler, the virus has digested its obviously very good. Ranked 6 and 7, the two Questler Ortner and Hofmann, Richard Obeng ranked eighth Next I got the results no longer in the head, but yes, the list soon be online.
Photo: The top three in the Kühtai (left) Goetsch, Gredler, Spensberger (c)

From Kitzbühel I received no official notice, but I think the podium with HPO, Lidický and stone cellar of the expected names were assigned. Congratulations to your favorites HPO, which can thus provide an additional year to be red-white-red jersey in various hill climbs on display. In the women was Patricia Wacker its role as favorite and can now get tailor a new shirt :-)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Are There Women Who Enjoy Chikan

We are the world champions :-)

photo: Tear the hands jubilantly in the air: Mountain Bike Marathon World Champion 2010 Alban Lakata. (C) Topeak Ergon

Last year at the home World Cup in Graz still second behind the inzw. because of a doping offense suspended Belgian Roel Paulissen won Alban Lakata in today's World Cup in St. Wendel with a surprise attack from the very big impact. He secured the win before the Italians Mirko Celestino and the South African Burry Stander. The world champion jersey goes to East Tyrol - by Lisi Osl XC World Cup overall winner last year certainly the biggest success in the local mountain bike racing. Congratulations to Alban!

Bike Sport News writes:

As Lakata from a nine-man lead group put out a few kilometers to the decisive attack, because Platt was just as surprised as all the other favorites. "We did not have Lakata" on the invoice, said Platt. The Austrians had several times had trouble following the increases was to keep the paved walkway to the end to but no more.

His team writes:
In the incredibly fast race - the flying field with a 28-section over the 107km long range - the new marathon world champion was at first difficult. "In the first two thirds of the race I did not have good legs and fought constantly at the junction to the leading group. With more than 90 seconds behind, I thought more of a good result, "said the Austrian.

But at Kilometer 80, the tide turned, Alban was the right step and was the hole to the top close within a few kilometers. About 10 kilometers from the finish put the Albanator to the decisive attack. Managed to get away and went to all committed toward the goal. Alban on his tactics: "The right place to attack, I had already seen in training when I could drop me off after the attack, I did not believe it at first, but went with the last bit of energy towards the target. It was incredible feeling! "

After 3:49:55 hours, the sensation was perfect. Last year's runner-up title is Alban Lakata a go and was 5 seconds ahead of world champion marathon 2010th "I can not believe it. The world champion was my big dream. It is incredible, "the newly crowned world champion took no words for his performance.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rash On Penis From Walking

image report Stubai Bike Marathon Weekend

Great summary, coming up on TV and Tirol ORF Sport +.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dynorooz Bowling Shoes Reviews

spring game beats again to

Photo: Daniel Federspiel on his way to victory at the Stubai Bike Marathon (c)

Of course, everyone knows that Daniel is a decent marathon can drive. When he finally broken free will, he can also finish on the podium. But he immediately swings back quite large and against a strong field of starters on the extreme path to victory goes, so have probably not counted all the least, he himself all the greater joy that Daniel was able to let the bad luck this year, behind and even outside of the criteria where he is unbeatable in any case, once again showing very large. I just rarely (s) so looking like a win today. A few minutes in front located at the end it was again close, but against a spring game is based content in the final sprint to not much. How handy to have more cards up his sleeve. Daniel Bravo - Your season has now begun!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

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Kitzbühel Horn

Photo: The podium at the 2010 Kitzbühel Horn: lr Spensberger Felix (2), Hans-Jörg Leopold (1) and Hans Peter Obwaller (3) - all three were under 31 minutes! (C) Felix Spensberger

Sorry, no results online, I trust in the FB message from Felix Spensberger, today behind the Carinthian Hans-Jörg Leopold of RC ARBÖ T. Graf St.Andrä great second was:

first Hans-Jörg Leopold 30:14 min
second Felix Spensberger (Corratec Quest) 30:26 min
third Obwaller Hans Peter (Road Bike Holidays) 30:55
4th Harald Totschnig (Radland Tyrol) 31:25
5th Patrick Konrad 31:34 min
6th Kirchmaier Stefan 31:44 min
5th Gredler Roman 31:55
6th Andreas Ortner (Corratec Quest) 32:02
7th Goetsch Philip 32:23
8th David Wöhrer 32:30 min

generally much better times than last year, the Tyrolean mountain championship, according to the above list of Harald Totschnig (Elite) and Patrick Konrad (U23), one team got Radland Tyrol driver.

Radland Tyrol 4 team riders in the top 8, including 3 U-23, and at one of the toughest mountain races, when it has the last given?

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village criterion Mieders

Photo: 4 wins in a row! (C)

Daniel dominates spring game and win by 4 Time the village criterion in corset! Great atmosphere here in bodice, the whole village seems to be the legs. Congratulations to Dani of today can look forward to a winner's check of EUR 850th

Photo: wriggle his opponent a bit, in the end it was still a clear case for Daniel Federspiel. (C)

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Hill Climb Mieders

The fastest 5 yesterday in Mieders: (from left). HPO (2), Traxi (4), Kreuchler (1), Kaufmann (3), Strobel (5) - Fastest deal of the day with smiles the most and also, appropriately, a yellow jersey :-) Photo (c) www.sportfotos-

A top starter box yesterday evening at the Hill Climb in bodice, the opening event of the Stubai Bike Marathon Weekends. As state champion himself HPO, with the number 1 and otherwise not surprising as the favorite in the race was a hope. And also for the local MTB Hill Climber from the amateurs who struggle with the local events for the prize (Natale, Kerber & Co.), the podium was out of reach. Christian Kreuchler from the German team Germina - a household name in this country far less - drove the fastest time and climbed the 650 meters at the first time this year the race route worked for Koppeneck impressive in 26min 13sec. Close defeated with only 20 seconds a distance HPO veteran who can claim are confident with this performance of the upcoming Austrian championship in 2 weeks in MTB Hill Climb well. Markus Kaufmann of the team Vaude Simplon still a third driver was under 27 minutes. In the women a now familiar sight. Patricia Wacker wins over well before the few rivals, and shows once again many ambitious men, the rear wheel.

Here's the complete results here and the photos to the race, in the usual quality of professional sports photographer Walter Andre. For any use of these photos (Picasa, Facebook, etc.) to clear your copyright statement (ie Linking to ) do not forget.

This evening's proceeds to the village criterion in corset where Daniel Federspiel expected to pull back a show is. I look back on my course!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Jeff Hgardy Peintig Games

Kitzbühel Horn: Tiroler Championship and start times

After the TT reported from a single start time for all classes at 10:45 clock and a Tyrolean mountain mastery to find but in the sports Adapter tender different start times and no information on TM, I have made inquiries to the organizer.

start time is neutralized, in fact, for all classes at 10:45 clock and is in the center of Kitzbühel.

The Tiroler Championship will be in classes U23 and elite held. The TM for junior / amateur (and Master?) Is then planned in Inzing on 4 September found. Did make the grade again confirm by calling Harald Baumann.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Does My Samson R10s Mic Need

Stubai Bike Marathon Weekend

This weekend it's that time again, who goes next KitzAlpBike and prestigious Iron Bike Bike Marathon Event in Tyrol on the stage: The Stubai Bike Marathon.

The organizers around Günter Guglberger once again offer a complete range:

The first of these Serlestrophy on Friday at 18:00 clock, a MTB Hill Climb on the first race moderately traveled route to the inn Koppeneck. 600 meters to 7.5 km are sufficient for an exciting race and an ideal warm-up for the marathon on Sunday.

first starts on Saturday at 15:30 the clock Kids race before 18:30 on the clock legendary village criterion will kick off as always with the motto: All against Daniel Federspiel, the undisputed king of this discipline . A total prize money of EUR 1900 should be incentive enough to pass on the 1.6 km long round everything. Driving is 40 minutes and 2 laps.

On Sunday at 8:30 clock then the main competition, the marathon with the known 3 lines Small (28 km, 1200 Hm) Medium (42 km, 2200 Hm) and Extreme (72 km, 3,700 vertical meters). Nearly 200 drivers have already been reported, the starting list reveals a few high-profile regional and national starter.

The application for all races is still open, for the marathon on this form for all other applicants by e-mail. The entry fees are, as always, at the Stubai kept very moderate! Cu there!