Monday, February 28, 2011

Ichis And Bomps On Pines

Two days-Shirts (10)

last day in the MMMF

and a look back at my shirt sewn
in the form of leftovers.
collected Matching my stash, and as long tinkered until another is created - the last in my shirt-therapy, as Gabi wrote in a comment.
a month to sew shirts
for me also - not shown - has for the daughter
me was really fun.

love Catherine , the idea of the MMMF I find great as before. And I am glad that I took part in this action. Has it filled by this concentrated Nähweise my closet.
The tour of the Mr. Linky list-I was a daily pleasure and will probably fail me.
Sometimes - Such as today, because this shirt "had" to be absolutely ready - it was a bit stressful, I admit, but I've been working my (old) mountain jersey fabric.
me now I look again at the pictures of the past weeks,
I note to my surprise:
Hello, I love GREY!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Perfect Man - Blog Oficial

smear campaign against wildlife

Dr. Kai Frobel, Bund Naturschutz in Bayern eV

In Bavaria, is currently running a hate campaign against rare or returning Animals such as wolf, lynx, beavers, otters and cormorants. Even the open breach of the law is invoked. The BN calls on politicians, alpine farmers, fish farmers and fishermen to leave the animals alone.

Wild animals need to survive also contribute to the whole society: overdue is a national hardship fund to compensate a particular individual claims, funding for prevention measures and a state-worn advisory system as a mediator between humans and wildlife. The resources of the state each year from the current 0.8 million € in the short term to increase to approximately € 2.5 million.

In rural areas, is specifically made sentiment against returning species. Otter, beaver, Cormorant, wolf and lynx are used as scapegoats to divert attention from their own shortcomings both in the protection of rivers like the misguided agricultural policy.

Typical claims from the last three months:
  • "The Bavarian Alps is recorded as a wolf-free area (no-go area)," "The Wolf in Mangfallgebirge resident can be seen without delay" (pasture management association Upper Bavaria). "The wolf has to go" (Mayor Hans Hofer, Bad Aibling)
  • "Inventory reduction come with fishing permits for the otter must "(Alois Rosenberger, Chairman District Fisheries Association Wegscheid)
  • " beaver plague "(member Reinhard Pacheco, CSU). "Therefore, this pest is now shooting" (County Council Hans Keil, CSU, Landshut, to Beaver).
Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden
Ecological ignorance Discussion is characterized by ecological ignorance. Central paradigm "absence of natural enemies" are "proliferation About" and "necessary reduction. The controversial Species are end members of food chains or even large predators.. They had never been "natural enemies", even in people free primeval The crucial bestandsbegrenzende factor is the food supply in the form of plant or meat in the countryside, regulate themselves, tried out with millions of years area systems and highly intelligent adaptation of the young number to the food supply. For us as a top predator that plunders the planet without restraint, which seems perhaps because so difficult to understand because we are such self-restraint is very difficult.

man-made problems Many problems are also human-caused: who systematically in the open countryside fish ponds of natural hiding places such as reeds and water lilies "clean" and produced in these naked bath an unnaturally high density of fish or who blocked hundreds of trout-square-foot pool, which can ill blame the natural fish-eaters, that he can this mass rearing water reacts. Who plows to water causes necessarily beaver damage. Anyone who thinks that running sheep in the Alps without being able to know what it was to extinction of the wolf in human history never has to adjust its use of form.
The rigorous shooting and killing of wild animals without reasonable Bayern reason is a nationwide leader. Bruno the Bear 2006 was not an isolated case: hunting of wolves in the Bavarian Forest, 1976, 2002 and 2004, shooting of cormorants since 1996 to 2010: about 72,000 cormorants (only in winter 2009/2010: 8724 reported kills), launch of 5300 herons, 25,000 magpies, 50,000 crows, jays 30 000 per year in Bavaria and continued illegal killing of lynx and beaver.

end to the rush! This policy of killing as a distraction from the real problems must be an end at last. The BN does not allow that there is a campaign against animal species, not to mistake an ecologically sustainable land use or to conceal their own political shortcomings!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mskr It Yourself Naughty Birthday Cakes

Hesse pushed the trapping

Lucia Puttrich (CDU), from their first hunting experience together with about 100 guests in the Reinhard Forest still deeply impressed ("It was a great asset to me"), is using the amendment to the Hesse Hunting Act to force the case to hunt. The hunting of the badger will be extended from 3 to 7 months.

Grimbart champion, who was named last year by the Protection of German wild to the wild animal of the year, is nocturnal. The conventional stand hunting is hardly get at him. Therefore, it means falling and adjusted the hunt under the ground.

Under the law, but are only "instantly killing" or "intact scavenging" If permitted, but studies show that even the use of legal types of traps leads to bad cruelty to animals. Animals in a supposedly "unscathed catching" box trap to catch fall, often in panic when the trap closes. You frolicking, hurt themselves or die of cardiovascular failure. Manslaughter cases are to the animal that takes the bait, however, by the shock from a metal bar on the neck or chest to kill. When an animal triggers the trap, but with a punch, this will cause bruising and bloody injuries to the mutilation. Often, the animals bite at the desperate attempts to escape from homicide cases, from even own the extremities, such as studies of animal practitioner Hans Frey evidence from Austria.

Lucia Puttrich (CDU) wants to kill more badgers
In the hunt under the ground small, aggressive hunting dogs are sent into the badger in order to hunt animals persisting the waiting hunters, the feint. be brave foxes and badgers, it sometimes a struggle to arrive with the dog, which can at worst be fatal for both parties, but usually at least leads to serious injuries. In Internet forums on the hunt, there are numerous pictures mangled hounds, hunters prove that the "predators of field" of their dogs.

The Hessian Minister of Agriculture is the extension of the hunting season on the roof of a claim of their Landesjagdverband gradually established a more intensive hunting by increasing damage to agriculture. "Reliable data are neither the Ministry of the roof held before or to the alleged damage," Lovis Kauertz, co-founder of the "closed season for foxes," says the operator and animal welfare blog .

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dublin Wrestling Session

Two days-Shirts (9)

In anticipation of the spring
I still got my thinnest Jersey-stock my stash cut.
scattered flowers and gray.

The Wrap after a section of sewing pattern company
and it dates back to distant Vorblogzeiten.
the fact that ever ever was, because I can hardly remember ...

Similarly, the rock - it's almost over. Infinitely loved and treasured.
template for the cut was the price paid for a girlfriend of rock esp ... t, which showed it to me as it gave him no longer buy. But she knew, and so Council could I borrow it to him then measure out to photograph and create a detailed section - always well dressed for my daughter.

When he was finally ready, he liked it so much and material was still abundant,
I ....
you think you can probably the rest of the story.
repeatedly - and we see us sometimes as a double (at first glance - the detail is there but differences).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kirkland European Cookies Walmart

Two days-Shirts (8)

average exchange for the yellow house and garden-shirt.

given the vest from Walk Loden, already one, two or three more years old and still loved ...

the cut (from a Ottobre), I have changed slightly. Thus, the shirt looks a little swinging - in line with the previous model - and is therefore a far less fitting than the original cut proposal.
And after shooting
a question to the daughter: How do you find it?
The answer to the mother: Spotted.
Diplomatic's the Limit ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

After The Female Genital Mutilation How's Feel

Parque Nacional da Peneda-Geres

Whoever travels to Portugal, it attracts the most in the capital Lisbon, or the sea, the Algarve.
Portugal has over 600 km of coastline, the most beautiful sandy beaches in the south to the wildest and most rugged cliffs north.

But apart from the many beaches in the far north of Portugal has also a national park, by the sole of the country badge. He was until a few years for the foreign tourists as marginal and insignificant. But the last few years has changed. At least

Portuguese for some time we have the charm of the Parque Nacional da Peneda-Geres (dt: Peneda-Geres National Park) is discovered, with its mountains, with its clear river and its beautiful freshwater lakes.

Only two hours from the port city of Oporto, this extends over 700 km ² acre National Park on the Portuguese-English border along the plateau of Castro Laboreiro up to a high level of Mourela, over the mountains of Peneda Soajo, Amarela and Gerês. The most beautiful national park of the Iberian Peninsula, as many call it, covers the districts of Braga, Vila Real, Viana do Castelo.

For anglers, boaters and hikers, the National Park with its many lakes, rivers and trails is a true paradise.
The highest point is 1545 m with the Serra do Geres and the Nevosa.
This beautiful forest and mountain scenery is punctuated by numerous picturesque lakes and reservoirs, as Vilarinho, Caniçada, Salamonde and Paradela.
the most beautiful of the many hiking trails of the national park is the Trilho Preguiça because that leads to magnificent views.

Here in the Peneda-Geres meet, with luck, to many unique plant and animal species.
The vegetation consists of extensive pine forests, centennial Oak, cork oak forests and heather-lined rock formations.
The fauna includes red and wild boar, hare, lynx, otter, partridge and even wolves and golden eagles.
The real stars are but the wild horses, called Garrano.
The only surviving herd of small horses today consists of about 70 animals and the attraction of the park. The Parque Nacional da

Peneda-Geres is now largely developed for tourism.
Nevertheless, here and there one can always discover something new.
who has never been in Peneda-Geres, where I can recommend a visit to the National Park only warmly.
this visit, he will never forget!

Jim Nabors Album Blog

The vultures may well over Portugal turning in circles ...

Finance ministers from the G20 countries met this weekend in Paris to agree on criteria to continue the imbalance between the economic zones, and especially the EU, USA and China can be reduced.

the margins of this meeting was between EU finance ministers discussed yet again, as soon as possible whether Portugal should slip below the €-rescue, which was founded recently.
do especially Germany and France, Portugal urging such a step, although the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble and his French counterpart Christine Lagarde denying vehemently want to apply pressure.
Although the record does not financially ailing Portugal soon more loans in the capital market, the fear of Germany and France, but from a compulsion or even a patronizing Portugal can be no question.

It's an alarm signal that Portugal had to offer just two weeks ago on the sale of government bonds 3.69% interest on a six-month period, while on the same day Germany, a bond with a maturity of ten years for 2.87% of the market brought.
You want Portugal to force anything, but they wanted to Portugal, said Schäuble literally, "very good rates and help more to avoid economic damage. "
want to basically prevent Schäuble and Lagarde only that the financial crisis to other countries such as Spain or Belgium, is spreading.

But both countries also know that it was not so easy with Portugal had to be like Greece and Ireland, which under pressure from other EU member countries and the European Central Bank, the aid flows eventually agree.
Vice President of the European Central Bank is a Portuguese, as well as the European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.
And the population in Portugal is opposed to the idea anyway of support payments of €-emergency parachute, because she knows that the savings requirements which they would then expect, would be more painful than the one they now have to bear it by the Portuguese government.

The vultures may well turn over Portugal in circles.
It will fall to him but hard to find here a soft nest.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Women Who Took Xanax During Pregnancy

Two days-Shirts (7) - Sample

This Blüschen from Uzès
summer airy, delicate in fabric and flattering in fabric and cut
should be the template for my next shirt.

had crashed in the absence of a substance my idea to sew this shirt from Jersey.
From (yellow) remains a sample of fabric first, look if it's fit and then followed by a real ... Remove

the cut was difficult because as soon as I had spread the Blüschen nice and smooth, it was too far for me, which certainly came through the smoothing of the crash. So "verrumpfelt" hang up. However, I now came before the sleeves so pathetic narrow, my five year old niece would probably still fit well.
Crash substance lies somehow full of adversity.

Substance is really yellow, continuously - but no matter - and given also - it is after all, a cut sample.

A first try - or with many pins. Changes in the living object, that is me, and also through myself was a new challenge - you should have five hands! Injured

I have not by the many pins in the fittings - pikste sometimes the most amazing places. In some ways I'm terribly lazy and rather then take such inconvenience. I would also adhere to.

On the detail photo you see how the back section at the bottom of swinging forward.
This is due to the different widths front and back panels, the front is much narrower with a rounding at the Saumende. (The way it is also in the back, formed only weak.)

My original plan was to sew a shirt for the trial to come close to the cut. Then I wanted to throw it in the bin.
Now it turns out that as a model for Mama "daheimrum" is quite okay and it was finally look rolled edge.

On days like today, when the sky is overcast, then light at least I sun yellow.

few small changes I would still want to install:
The long sleeves with tulip-like Saumenden and the center seam in the front disturb me greatly. This is really only because of the small slit for the Bendelchen, and so I will next time just sew a small button-hole.
I wish if I meet the "right" stuff, again sewing. Not really crashed, but this should already be easily structured.
And Bendel be even narrower.

Neonate Need Antioxidents

shots in the protected area: hunting dog training prohibited

Animal Rescue Nachtigal Thomas had agreed to the commercial bustle of a hunting dog school back in the conservation area on the Old Rhine in Neuss, Meerbusch from the authorities and asked for injunctive relief. With its view of Büdericher but was pretty much alone. Mayor Dieter Spindler informed Nachtigal about the fact that his message to "took an occasion to review the matter by the police, clerk's office and Lower hunting authority of the Rhein-Kreis Neuss. Coincidentally it is determined that is where, contrary to his opinion no offense". But Thomas Nightingale was not beaten and turned ado politics. The result of his commitment is a ban on commercial dog training listed on the Rhine.
required The name: Thomas Nightingale
advocates for wildlife and nature conservation.
excerpt from the response from the Environment Minister John Remmel , North Rhine-Westphalia, the Little request 457 of the deputies Norwich Rüße, Alliance 90/The Greens: "hunting dog training in the nature reserve " Ilverich Altrhein loop "in Meerbusch , Printed Matter 15/1174
"The noose is Illvericher Altrhein Landscape Plan III - Meerbusch / Kaarst / Korschenbroich - Rhein-Kreis Neuss as a nature reserve within the meaning of § 23 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (FNCA) fixed. The area is also a HD site DE-4706-301 part of the European nature conservation network Natura 2000. The fixing of the landscape plan to prohibit in the nature reserve from any action which may lead to the destruction, damage or alteration of the protected area or its components or to a sustainable disruption, including the runoff Let dogs, entering from areas outside the paved or marked roads or tracks and violated the adjustment, capture or killing of wild animals. Remains unaffected by these prohibitions include the proper practice of hunting, the hunting here in the strict sense of § 1 para 4 of the Federal Hunting Act (BJagdG). .
The industrial training of dogs for hunting use and the associated use of firearms are not hunting for the purposes of virginity rules represent the landscape plan and are subject to the prohibitions "
Press article on this subject: gun-dogs make , bang in the Cabinet

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Polaris Sportsman Front Wheel Bearing

Public "Brain Storm": support a closed season for foxes

Participate in the brainstorming over Twitter , Facebook via email or lovis.kauertz @ . . aim of the "closed season for foxes," the introduction of a regulated national closed season for foxes is ( already )

Theme 1:
Which companies are in financial Sponsors of the project "closed season for foxes" in question?
  • company with the name component "fox", as advertising Fuchs GmbH, FireFox, Peter Fox (artist), Fuchs Petrolub AG, Alpha Fuchs beverage service, Otto Fuchs KG, (Google search Fuchs do logo)
  • companies that the fox "use" for advertising, for example, Schwäbisch Hall, a manufacturer of detergent Spee, Fjellraven, Fay, ROFU Kinderland, forwarding Voss, monitor
  • companies raise their environmental profile. For example, nuclear, power and coal power plants. Local utilities
  • pharmaceutical companies, which vaccines / medicines for wild animals produce
  • companies target group: animal (protection) affine people. Organic food companies, veterinary clinics, universities, Steiff stuffed animals
  • companies that appeal to users of nature: outdoor clothing, sports apparel: Jack Wolfskin, Adidas
  • companies that use natural resources (Biogas, rape)
Theme 2:
What benefits can companies draw from this? For employees, the public, for the product's image .... The bottom line?
  • commitment to a public issue outside the company can promote employee retention.
  • commitment to foxes has a sympathy value
  • raise corporate profile by taking responsibility (ecosystem protection) ... and thereby to set an example for the public and employees

Maybe pulls a "thought" to storm.
Theme 3:
How can companies implement to communicate the topic / (If you do not want to stay in the background)? is
  • The Employee Communications
  • In the public relations
  • In conjunction with the product (eg the sale of each product x € to close season for foxes
Theme 4:
What should the money be used
  • publicity
  • press
  • poster campaigns
  • ads
  • projects, such as full-time early Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve in the Saarland, baits actions
You can also follow the questions ask how / have the answers?
  • What benefit can attract companies in the promotion of animal welfare?
  • How can a company market the promotion of animal welfare?
  • influences such as the promotion of animal welfare, the image of a company?
  • Why is it worthwhile for companies to promote animal welfare?
  • Is it worth the commitment by companies for animals?
  • What "return" brings companies the promotion of animal welfare concerns?
  • Which companies are sponsors of an initiative as "closed season for foxes" in question?
  • How to bind a company by its commitment to staff welfare?
  • How can a company gain by promoting the public welfare for themselves?
  • How can animal welfare and product / service be sold together?

Little Canada Snowboarding Outlet

The raccoon (Procyon lotor L.) is not an invasive species

of I. Muschik, B. et Köhnemann F.-U. MICHLER
Society Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Association, Carpin, and TU Dresden, Institute of Forest Zoology

The raccoon has become in Germany a permanent part of the fauna and is considered to BNatSchG as "native species ". Whether it is however to be regarded as invasive Neozoenart, remains unclear. According to the Convention on Biological Diversity of Rio is a kind of then-invasive, if it represents an economic, health or environmental hazard in their new habitat.

Economy: raccoons can cause local losses caused by feeding damage. The total agricultural loss is negligible. In urban habitats, costly damages incurred in individual homes.

Epidemiology: The raccoon occurs as vectors of disease very rarely. The only known zoonotic disease is the Baylisascariose. Rabies, fox tapeworm and trichinosis are irrelevant. The Kleinbär can serve as a potential vector for the canine distemper virus.

Ecology: is discussed that the raccoon could have a negative impact on native species. Here the lack of sound, scientific studies. A predation effect on individual species, however, prevent its opportunistic lifestyle. Even a competitive pressure on domestic mammalian predators has not yet been demonstrated.

Fallenart This is not permitted in Germany

Since missing a binding definition of the damage size of a new citizen, remains a definitive assessment of the invasiveness of the raccoon difficult. According to current knowledge, the raccoon, however, classified as non-invasive way.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pinnacle Tv Serie Nummer

demand a true story about a stray boar

It was half past eleven midnight, when it knocked on Maria's door ... her landlord was standing outside and asked them for something despicable, that it could now prove their love for animals - in the hallway would be a wild boar and panic move. The police were already there and a hunter to shoot it ...

Maria responded immediately and called for all armed to immediately leave the house, which they did then, after being pointed out to them so that you can not protect everything from the dangerous animal ... that she did not care!

Bache with their young
The wild boar had actually lost in the first floor of the house and threatened to spin!

took a quick decision she made her home with two cans of corn and put his calm and soothing voice with a corn trail down the stairs into the garden. The wild boar was eating this track actually. Once outside the boar Maria looked inquiringly, as if to say: "Do you have any more of it, that was delicious?"

From that day on they were and are friends to this day. Mary are able to pass him in the meantime, a red fluorescent collar and the hunters threatened that if he would kill it, he would have to deal with it. Apparently he keeps it and gets Maria, who works for a long time to animal welfare, now and then, if an injured animal can be found in the forest must be because it was struck, for example.

A true story from the southwest of Germany .

My Cat Bites On Blankets

Dragons Made in China

The Museum of Oriental Art (Portuguese: Museu do Oriente), Lisbon, there is currently a special exhibition, the "Papagaios as China (dt: Dragons from China) is, and in the to 10 April this year, port different kites: papagaios) are shown from different eras of the Middle Kingdom.

originally developed by the Chinese for military purposes, the first documentary mentioned kites come from an era as the "Spring and Autumn 'reputation in China, and had between 780-476 BC peak.
Since then only be made kites made of lightweight wood or bamboo, which is covered with very thin silk or a thin paper, and painted on a colorful motif to which a tail loops of silk or paper strip is attached.

visit to this exhibition which I can only strongly recommend each is free and available until 10 April 2011 at the Museu do Oriente to be admired.

Wordings By Couple For Marriage Invitation

Presentation by Radclub-Union sports Fiegl

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Temperature To Store Latex Paint

The killer raccoon

by Robert Gernhardt

The raccoon killer squats in front of building,
the marten is with fear all blue.

He knows that him before his death
threatens the agony of torture Marder,
if he is not just determined,
boldly converts to torture Marder
and torturing the counter jumps
of murdering in entering his kingdom.
sooner said than done, he hops into the light, the marten
does not see the murderer, because
who, apparently unnoticed, for grad
the marten torture strengthens
stone marten
image. Mike from the Bavarian Forest
The torture marten is one to four, the marten
killer drink a beer .
The raccoon killer bites the bread,
the killer raccoon bites him dead

Sennheiser Vs. Sony Wireless Headphones

Two days-Shirts (6)

matter of two years ago
In contrast to the jacket was sewn the shirt rather quickly.

sewn to my jacket, which is still missing the button.
It's time I finally find one.

One Mountain grows, the other decreases,

oje, the latter I should also ...

shirt fabric: fabric market Karlsruhe 2009
Blazer Fabric: Tissue Toto Strasbourg, editor: Pattern Company