Sunday, March 6, 2011

Thick Pullover Hoodies

Hessian Hunting Act - the CDU and FDP disregard science and basic law

The tabled by the CDU and FDP proposal to amend the Hunting Act Hessian blatantly contradicts both the animal protection and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. A response of the civil services of the Hesse CDU can be from 04.03.2011 to a protest by citizens across Germany to extend the hunting season for the roof indicate that neither animal protection law nor scientific expertise to assess the situation to be sufficiently available is. Nor can the political craft something to do with this, since no proportionality test in terms of held as a part of the fundamental rights and other property of the protection of animals.

first fair balance of interests - CDU Hesse " The Hessian right to hunt is the fair balance of interests and demands into account by hunters, forest owners and animal rights activists in balanced measure."
of a "fair" balance of interests can be no question. The state government will follow in regard to extending the hunting season of the badger is essentially a claim of the National Hunting Association Hesse. Neither the interests of a wide demographic, which rejects the hunt and in particular hunting methods such as the construction or trapping are taken into account, nor the interests of animal welfare.
second Hunting Act promotes animal suffering - CDU Hesse: " your allegations, the Hunting Act will concern itself with" animal torture "is not understandable"
Extending the hunting season on the roof supports animal torture for the following reasons:
a) If badgers are killed in July, at a time in what will be many pups suckled, has the consequence that inevitably die young. The same is true of many young animals, which lose only a little later, her parents. By extending the hunting season on the rearing of young animals required time undermines the Ministry of Agriculture § 22 para 4 of the Federal Hunting Act and caused considerable suffering among the animals.
b) The badger is also hunted by construction and trapping. Even the "bubble" (The hunters check), a standard work of hunting practice and education, speaks of it, that the hunt under the ground to the roof is neither natural nor acceptable animal welfare. In Hesse is still practiced on the roof of the hunt under the ground. Similarly, the trapping of the animal protection laws at least controversial.

third Damage to agricultural land - CDU Hesse: " is due to the increased roof populations in Hessen and related damage to agricultural land more intensive and time-long hunting of those species for a balance of interests is essential
. Badgers are omnivorous diet, but mostly vegetarian. It is therefore possible that badgers cause local losses caused by feeding damage. It is doubtful, however, that the Ministry lacks even for local feeding damage to prove that these were caused by badgers. Even if that should be so is the landwirtschaftiche total damage is negligible in any case. For this reason, a proportionality test holds with regard to the rights enshrined in the Basic Law of property on the one hand and the protection of the animals on the other hand, a review with a view to extending the hunting season for badgers was not. By extending the hunting season on Badgers violated the state government, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. Only local harvest losses, so this actually the roof should be, is the creation of a "reasonable cause" sufficient under no animal protection law.

concern would be such an arbitrary extension of the hunting season on the roof in particular from the point that the citizen has no legal means to challenge such a decision of the Hesse Parliament. The Hessian Parliament rejected last 2009 Animal Protection Association in legal proceedings.

badger, Meles meles Latin (c) Helmut Sütsch
4th " also be to reduce the risk of rabies, the roof of a natural population and regulated by the nature acceptable level." CDU Hessen - Rabies
The claim badgers would need to reduce the risk of rabies is scientifically be hunted at all durable. Certainly can badgers transmit rabies, but is this assumption that they are suffering from rabies. As is now expected to be commonly known terrestrial rabies has gone out for years on German territory. Since the second case of sylvatic rabies in the spring of 2006 was documented in Rheinhessen, the World Health Organization, the Federal Republic of Germany in 2008 checked the status of a given free of terrestrial rabies. The next cases of sylvatic rabies can be found only in far eastern Europe, then ruled that a return migration in the German federal wildlife cycle in the foreseeable future as. However, this was possible rabies not by the activities of hunters, but by the large-screen display of baits by plane.

How independent studies of the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute for Virus Diseases of Animals and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research has shown, it is not hunting by means possible to influence the sylvatic rabies.

5th Trapping - is crucial that the trapping in Hesse is allowed and this is also applied to the roof. Homicide cases are on the animal that takes the bait, by the impact of a metal neck strap kill or chest. When an animal triggers the trap, but with a punch, this will cause bruising and bloody injuries to the mutilation. As homicide cases also non-selective catch itself can not be excluded in appropriate cases established that died instead of a fox or a badger in a domestic cat in the trap.

Egyptian Goose and partial lifting of the night hunting ban were not part of the protest to the Hessian Minister of Agriculture Lucia Puttrich to, but are made at this point briefly in question
Egyptian Goose
There is no reason to be incorporated into the Egyptian Goose hunting rights. The Egyptian Goose is in accordance with § 10, paragraph 2 of FNCA, a native species. Neither is there an "overpopulation" of Egyptian geese have scientific evidence that it displaces other species or cause significant damage to agriculture.
lifting of the ban on night hunting for deer
under certain conditions to be lifted the ban on night hunting deer. Even in daylight, a large part of the game during the hunt is simply shot. Asher-called (The jaw is shot to pieces) or Gebrechschüsse (foot) are the worst for the Wild. They often live with it for days and weeks, until they starved to death. Also, leg shots, injuries of the spine or the abdominal wall are on the hunting agenda. Because the night hunting ban has been watered down by degrees, is not only large animal suffering inevitable by frequent misses but also because the game is not even more in the night calm before adjustment.


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