Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Aching Lump In My Leg

close season, can look out for each ...

Hunting has aimed to others for so-called hunting season or seasons. Hunter, who outside the hunting season from hunting to kill a gentle animal who commit an offense under the Federal Hunting Act, which may result in severe penalties themselves. Nevertheless, early passage of time while hunting on the agenda ... in rare cases, however, take place ads.

There are animals, those in Germany or in most states is no closed season given. These include the red fox, wild rabbits, piglets, or deserters (1-2 years of wild boar). Here are only during the rearing period of the young parents the necessary spare, but this leaves room for interpretation.

The red fox has no nation-wide closed season, (c) Malene Thyssen
to the animals, which are now no longer into the summer or even autumn may be shot, acc. Federal Regulation hunting the badger, the hare, all gallinaceous birds (pheasant, partridge, geese and ducks ...), but also the roe deer (from February 1, no more deer except fawns).

If you witness a closed season offense (offense), take pictures, call the police for holding the personal details (if not voluntarily be brought out '- they refer to the police that you want to bring a criminal offense to display, maybe you also feel threatened or endangered) and take the early passage of time to display (next to the lower hunting authority, police or a lawyer with the Public Prosecutor).

Current hunting seasons and the federal and state governments to learn about others http://www.schonzeiten.de/ . Set up usually after the national provisions that are often more current than the Federal Hunting Regulations. Beyond that, it is here Laws and Regulations for hunting.


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