Thursday, January 13, 2011

Regular Condoms Vs Magnum Condoms

New Year's reception of the German Evangelical Church at Lisbon

Last Saturday, the 08th January 2011 heralded the German Evangelical Church to Lisbon with a Neujahresempfang (port: Recepção de Ano Novo), which took place in the Protestant Church in the Avenida Columbano Bordalho Pinheiro, the festive year of the 250th Anniversary of a community.

Shortly after 11 clock began the ceremony with the organ solo "The whole world You have left us," John M. Michel, played by Carina Lasch.

After a very original welcome by some students of the German School of Lisbon (Portuguese: Escola de Lisboa Alemã) and some brief words of Chairman the DEC, Mr. Stephan said Stieb, Vice Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Whitman, in the name of the unfortunately ill Ambassador, Mr Helmut Elfenkämper, the welcome address.

After the song "Evening sensation at Laura," a work of the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, then was a guest speaker, Teresa Caeiro, Vice President of the Portuguese Parliament (port: Vice-Presidente da Assembleia da República), a short but very personal speech . Played

were then again a musical work by Johannes M. Michel, again played by Carina plate on the organ, and the aria "Here I am to see you then," from the opera "The Abduction from the Seraglio "by Mozart.
found after these musical treats the long awaited presentation of the commemorative anniversary (port: Publicação comemorativa) "250 Years of German Evangelical Congregation of Lisbon from 1761 to 2011" took place.

then held Julia Oelrich-Campos and the pastoral couple Anke and Stefan Stalling even a brief conclusion.
ended on New Year's reception with the "Prelude in D minor" by Johann Gottfried Walther, played by Carina plate on the organ, and an open reception in the rectory and in the courtyard of the church.

Unfortunately the weather was not so with us as we would all want. Nevertheless
this was New Year's reception in 2011 a great success!


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