Friday, January 28, 2011

Polka Dot Kates' Playground

Universal Life: "We are tired of" predators have

Barbara Rütting
"... we find it important to to focus on the similarities than the differences "- so the Albert Schweitzer Foundation wrote in its invitation to the demo "We are fed" on 01/22/2011 in Berlin. I can only agree.

was more disconcerting it shortly on the website read that "not wanted" the participation of individuals or groups in the vicinity of the "Universal Life. As a signatory to almost all holders, sponsors and supporters of the demo were listed. After several days of this text, however, was deleted without comment again.

I've written on this incident following open letter to the signatories:

love girlfriends and friends,

under your call for demonstration in Berlin on 22 January with naming all the demo was supporting associations, etc., that is the participation of groups and persons associated with the "Universal Life" is not desired.

I also belong to this environment, because I eat in the great vegetarian restaurant and shop, regularly using the internationally recognized hospital in claim assume the fabulous sanctuary and building the kingdom of peace support GMO-free? Many children of my friends go to the "Universal Life" owned private school "learning with me" - it was just the third time in a row as "environmental school in Europe - International Agenda-21-school "for the topics" healthy diet "and" solidarity "excellent. This award, the highest award which can be awarded in Bavaria, after all, Environment Minister Dr. Markus Söder!

I am very surprised at the above exclusion of a religious denomination corresponding to the laws and the Constitution of the Federal Republic. Even if the text www.wir after some time, from the website-have-it-again was deleted, I wonder: were entitled to participate in the demonstration only Catholics and Protestants? What about Muslims, Buddhists, anthroposophy, freethinkers, Mormons, atheists etc.? Were also undesirable, if so, why, if not, then why only the community of faith "Universal Life"?

I have 40 years tirelessly for the goals - and thus for the existence! - Used especially of the signatories of this boycott now withdrawn, at first extra-parliamentary, age, finally, as deputy president of the Bavarian State Parliament as the spokesperson for food, consumer and welfare of the Greens and two-time. From some of the co-organizers, I received thank you letters for my donation to support the demo.

It is used to rescue Called by Wikileaks and press freedom. At the same time involved is, however, the discrimination of an alternative religious community! Did the parties really, what they have signed? In the U.S., such a call with actions for damages in the millions would be sanctioned! The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in a report by the U.S. Commission on religious freedom under threat in many countries, "also found deficiencies in Israel, Germany and Switzerland. Hillary Clinton: "The U.S. will not soar to the judge about other countries, but wanted to show that the United States, freedom of religion seriously and want you to be guaranteed worldwide.

"I know I speak for the many who dare not (any longer) to open the somewhat questionable democracy became the mouth, because otherwise, quite rightly - concerned about their professional and social position and would have to ask if not even an apology, then at least an explanation for the discrimination religious dissent.

I belong to any religious community at all, am a participant but generally not at the exclusion of minorities, perhaps because I have witnessed first hand as a child in the Nazi era. Instead, I believe it is in spirit with Voltaire: "You are as I disagree and I am your right will defend this to the death. "

I still am optimistic that we can create all together a better fairer world.

In solidarity, Your Barbara Rütting

In fact, it turned out the . reactions of some of the alleged signatories out that this exclusion was not discussed with them and they distance themselves vehemently thereof, of the many had cited a voice. "This request was denied at any point with the supporters, we believe that we have no right to exclude people because of your religion or belief. particularly if they are in correctly for the same thing. "Comment use unnecessary.

Already some decades ago, I quoted an American doctor, who said something to the new diseases were the revenge of the animals ate. The dioxin scandal seems to confirm this. Organic is booming, vegetarianism / veganism and animal welfare are in like never before, unfortunately, even more out of concern for their own health than about the welfare of the animals, but still. Let's hope the trend continues.


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