Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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lie hunter, every child knows: foxes and hares

hunters argue among other things, the fox would decimate the hare population. For this purpose, an experienced hunter in the photo community writes:

No fox ever caught a healthy rabbit.

young rabbits have no odor and are also precocial - he would have to trip over it already.

92% of its prey are mice of all kinds, so it is useful for agriculture and forestry than any other animal. The remaining share of the booty are sick animals - He is mentioned in all scientific treatises as health police to prevent the spread of disease clearly (eg in rabbits etc).

I was even 40 years hunters and know why: in landscaped common grounds, the population cycles between rabbits and foxes are identical and
opposite: Are there many rabbits are there too many foxes, because the environmental conditions use, such as wet or dry years two people: in dry years survival of juvenile rabbits and exploded while the mouse population. In wet years, a disproportionate number of young rabbits die from hypothermia, and most Mice go into their burrows based too!
are the facts - which unfortunately most of Sunday hunters - the "go" anyway only by jeep for hunting and out of the car as "booty" or live in modern cross-post like pulpits their "passion for hunting" - not more known, because they have removed in great numbers by nature far as a whole. This is of course not all hunters, but vast, unfortunately for a number.


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