Saturday, January 29, 2011

Biggest Tech Deck Collection

The Wild needs rest - only the hunters do not comply

In bridges near Idar-Oberstein was held on 22.1.2011 instead of a hunt. The witness Mr. Hansen writes:
had in recent weeks a number of "hits" in the Middle-magazine to find the people should not hesitate to fine the strict through the winter very weak game not to flush unnecessary withdrawal should avoid places of the game responsibly. people know this very well and respect their fellow creatures.

collapsed deer photo Gerhard Hänsel
Last Saturday I happened to witness how a "hundred" fighters and helper Birkenfeld and bridges between organized a roundup. The "On the Keip" was loudly and painstakingly combed through and allegedly "only" hunting of sows, as I am a hunter, who was sitting just two feet from the street in a manor, wanted to know. He also had to follow the following scene with the rifle at the ready.

I are terrified animal ran across the road were driven from their cover and sought their salvation in fear of death in the run. A deer ran in panic directly on the icy pond and broke after a few meters on the ice. In mortal fear fighting the deer about 15 minutes against the drowning. Multiple it looked like it would lose it under the forces and go, a terrible sight. It mobilized his remaining strength and was able finally to break through thanks to God and thin ice to get to the other side. Certainly, the poor beast has borne by the sharp ice edge material breach thereof, it may be doubted whether it survives.

anyone can imagine, including what injuries have many deer in such a hunt on icy ground. In addition to broken bones and weakness carry many animals severe injuries when they jump in fear of death in barbed wire fences, which are unfortunately all too often to be found.

Here you can already seriously the question of "huntsman-worthy" make such hunting forms. Animals do not die by the bullet, succumbing perhaps to the cause in panic escape injury.

also asks the animal lover, to whom the . aforementioned calls should be directed See

also Hard times for wildlife - hunting disturbs the hibernation


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