Friday, February 11, 2011

21 Weeks Pregnant And Bowel Movement Black

The role of the Jew in literature at the Museum Grão Vasco

On Saturday, 12 February 2011, a 15 clock, it is in the museum Grão Vasco (Portuguese: Museu Grão Vasco), in the city of Viseu, give a Debatiernachmittag that "the role of Jews in Literature" (Portuguese: A Figura Thurs Judeu na Literatura) as its theme.

The reality of Portuguese Jews in the ancient but also modern history of this country know the basis of literature and art zulernen, I imagine very interesting. Unfortunately
I will go, not for reasons of timing, be able to next Saturday to Viseu.

Nevertheless, I can, to whom it is possible to suggest this afternoon at the Museum Grão Vasco most warmly, for it will be a place where individuals can learn from us to Western culture, with all its facets, to know.


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