Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Initiative will provide "closed season for foxes" political support

The demand for a nation-wide closed season for fox encounters to political resonance: Undine Kurth, MP and nature and animal protection expert of the parliamentary group of Alliance 90/The Greens; supports the "closed season for foxes." Previously, the Ecological-Democratic Party and the party had given human environmental welfare their support known.

Founded in early initiative to introduce a national closed season for foxes is taken after a short period of more than 50 organizations. "We are simply overwhelmed by the outstanding response to our attempt at pooling from different areas coming forces for this important animal welfare policy concerns," said Lovis Kauertz, a founder of the closed season initiative.

The fox as one of the last great predator is a "health police" have an important function to maintain the ecological balance. He is an omnivore, his dietary range includes but mainly rodents, carrion and debilitated animals. Hunting organizations feared a decline of less intensive hunting of small game and the spread of rabies and fox tapeworm.

fox tapeworm and rabies: Pure scaremongering In independent studies show that the fox does not Danger to the existence of its prey is. Foxes in Germany never had serious natural enemies and control their density of social regulation mechanisms by themselves - their hunting is therefore entirely of ecologically nonsensical. The risk of disease is far from wild exaggeration by the rabies vaccination is valid in Germany as eradicated, and every year there are only about 20 new infections with the fox tapeworm. Far more people are struck by lightning or come to grief by hunting accidents.

fox in the snow (c) Luise Dittombée
Nevertheless, foxes in most states not even a controlled recovery period. More than half a million of these intelligent and social predators are killed each year in Germany, many of them in particularly controversial hunting species such as the trap or hunt under the ground.

R.: closed season for foxes! After Alliance 90/The Greens already in Berlin and the Saarland were spearheaded the introduction of a closed season for fox, says Undine Kurth, nature and animal welfare spokesperson of the Greens parliamentary group, the Now for a comprehensive nation-wide from close season. "There is no reasonable justification for the intense persecution, the fox is currently suspended," she explained. Ordain "Our established understanding of ecological relationships and our respect for fellow creatures animal that we do not pursue the fox as alleged pest, but it recognized as an important part of our nature and respect as a regulator of the ecological balance. "

press release from 02/17/2011: 70 organizations call for end to the cruel fox hunting
press release from 01/20/2011: Organizations from all over Germany are on the futility of fox hunting out


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