Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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letter to the article in the KJV Bad Mergentheim / "protect other wild animals" Frankish news
Ernst Holzhofer, Boxberg

Unfortunately, the article can be from 31 January on the fox-hunting much expertise miss and contrary to a large extent all the new findings in wildlife biology, so I see myself forced some statements to correct.

How independent studies of the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute for Virus Diseases of Animals and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research has shown, it is not hunting by means possible to influence the sylvatic rabies. To stop the spread of rabies, one would have to reduce the number of foxes to less than 0.3 foxes per square kilometer. As experience shows in the seventies of the last century, however, this is even by the unprecedented campaign of destruction did not succeed, as they treated all available nationwide fox dens with poison gas and adjusted the fox trap and mercilessly gun has. But the large-scale delivery of baits for the eradication of rabies has. A permission to hunt the fox in the rabies control was given only for the recovery of control animals for the screening program to respond to the vaccine could be documented.

also on the prevalence of the small fox tapeworm, the hunting of the fox control. Recent investigations by the University of Hohenheim, the Technical University of Munich and the University of Zurich suggest that the hunting of the fox could be counter-productive with regard to the occurrence of the small fox tapeworm, because the hunting affects the age structure of populations.

Even the argument that ground-nesting birds protect and small game by blowing the big Halali foxes seems to be wrong really, as surveys have shown in non-hunted habitats. The relationship between predators and their prey has been recorded since ancient times and tested and there is still no documented case, have wiped out the native predators native prey. Cause of danger or even the extinction of populations were never our native predators such as foxes, martens and birds of prey, but always human intervention in the environment and the habitats of endangered species.
European brown bear, picture M. Thyssen
Traffic takes the role natüricher enemies

It may well be true that the natural enemies of the fox the wolf, the lynx and eagle owl exterminated by hunting or so far have been decimated, that they disappear as a significant mortality factor, but instead of these predators of the road is moved, the fall each year thousands of foxes to the victim.

Even if factors such as natural predators, hunting and road traffic are not given, then fox populations do not grow beyond all bounds, as every biology student in the first half white.

investigations of known wildlife biologist Eric Zimen and David Macdonald pointed out that the flexible density control of füchsischen population dynamics contributing to the stocking adapt to the conditions of the habitats. In fact, the fox trim seems currently to have reached its final size and influence seems to this size to the hunt did not because other limiting factors play a far more serious role.

Obviously wants to convince the part of hunters, the population that one can "manage to shoot" nature with the gun and has to provide a justification for their bloody well like to find pointless hobby fox hunting.


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