Thursday, February 17, 2011

Make It Yourself Naughty Birthday Cakes

70 organizations end the cruel fox hunting fox hunting is not authorized

foxes in most states than any other game animal pursued - all year without regular closed season. The health of our forests policeman is often treated as a pest and also those of most controversial types of hunting, which are banned elsewhere long ago. As part of the nationwide initiative "closed season for foxes' share is now 70 organizations to ensure that the fox more protection is granted before adjustments

trapping. Mutilations are commonplace
German hunters kill each year, more than half a million hunters. Not a few of them are caught in traps. Under the law, but only "instantly killing" or "intact scavenging" traps are permitted, but studies show that even the use of legal case types to evil animal cruelty out. Animals in a supposedly "unscathed catching" box trap to catch fall, often in panic when the trap closes. You frolicking, hurt themselves or die of cardiovascular failure. Manslaughter cases are to the animal that takes the bait, however, by the shock from a metal bar on the neck or chest to kill. If a fox or raccoon, the case raises, however, with the paw, this leads to bruising and bloody injuries to the mutilation. The Austrian veterinarian Hans Frey, submitted to examinations to be performed on hundreds of foxes that third of the animals had severe running injuries. found in the stomachs of several foxes are had parts of their own limbs, which they escape to their desperate attempts from homicide case, even bitten. Moreover, homicide cases not catch selectively. It may even not be excluded in properly set up traps that instead of a fox a house cat dies in a trap

hunt under the ground to foxes. Cruelty of fox and dog
The hunt under the ground, small, aggressive hunting dogs in the Burrow sent to hunt foxes out there, persisting. At the outputs while waiting for the shooters forward to coming to the shot. be brave foxes are sometimes a struggle to arrive with the dog, can at worst be fatal for both parties, but usually at least leads to serious injuries. In Internet forums on the hunt, there are numerous pictures mangled hounds, hunters prove that the "predators of field" of their dogs. There is a broad consensus that wild animals need refuge areas and rest areas where intervention and disturbance should be avoided. For many hunters hated foxes, this seems not to apply: In the hunt under the ground they fought in exactly the place where they seek refuge, retreat to the safe, where they bring their babies and raise during the first few weeks. Their last retreat becomes a trap, where they are panicked and killed

Schlief plants. The sufferings of the "practice Foxes
In so-called Schlieffen plants trained hunting dogs to live foxes to hunt under the ground. Those foxes are often caught at the beginning of "training season", held between the training periods in cages and killed at the end of the season from dogs or hunters. The Schlief system itself consists of a system of concrete pipes, through the chasing of the to be dressed dogs the fox. To avoid the killing of the fox in the early stages of exercise training with the hunting dog, are individual sections of the System separated by slides. However it is always eye-witness reports of serious, often fatal injuries on the part of the fox. From hunting perspective, this is sometimes not entirely undesirable, since only as "the fox is met in his (...) (...) direct defensive capability, such as hunting author Dirk Neumann writes. Regardless of which means the repeated being hunted for the fox extreme stress and fear of death, he is shipped without means of escape his enemies, man and hound, what can and even death through heart attack

The case of escape, had horrible death: Badger
trapping, hunt under the ground, sleeping facilities: in many places is already banned
In view of these atrocities is little surprise that these types of hunting and hunting dog training were to live foxes illegal in many areas already. Impact, trapping and slept plants were found in Austria in 2008 for animal protection law and forbidden, in the Swiss canton Thurgau was last year announced a ban on the hunt under the ground. The same is true of the Saarland, which occupies over Germany in this respect as a role model: the coalition agreement of the local Jamaican coalition also sees the abolition of trapping Schlief and conditioning systems.

makes Nationwide, the initiative is a closed season for foxes with 70 participating organizations act firmly to prevent this particularly cruel to animals forms of hunting and dog training. "There is a need for fox hunting is not contrary to the claims of hunting organizations," said Lovis Kauertz, one of the initiators of the campaign. "Foxes can hunting agents are not regulated because more kills always lead to a noticeable increase in birth rate. By hunters these are useful animals to pests in many places degraded - not least probably to brutal methods of hunting such as traps or the hunt under the ground to justify. It is high time that we protect the fox against this arbitrary and these atrocities "

press release dated 02/01/2011. initiative closed season for foxes parties during political support


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